Rain Detour - 10

Affects Route 905A

Rain Detour is in effect when Airway Rd. at La Media Rd. is closed due to flooding.

Both stops at the intersection of Airway Rd. at La Media Rd. are closed.  On eastbound 905A, a turnaround is made near Southwestern College just west of La Media Rd.  The westbound route goes east on Airway Rd., after servicing the regular stop on Avenida Costa Norte at Avenida Costa Azul.

Turn-by-turn directions of the detour route are below:

Route 905A Eastbound
Regular route to Airway Rd. & Centurion St.
LEFT Centurion St.
LEFT Gigantic St.
LEFT Excellante St.
RIGHT Airway Rd.
RIGHT Brittania Blvd.
RIGHT Otay Mesa Rd.
RIGHT Sanyo Ave.
RIGHT Airway Rd.
LEFT Avenida Costa Azul
AHEAD regular route

Route 905A Westbound
Regular route to Avenida Costa Azul & Airway Rd.
RIGHT Airway Rd.
LEFT Sanyo Ave.
LEFT Otay Mesa Rd.
LEFT Brittania Blvd.
LEFT Airway Rd.
LEFT Centurion St.
LEFT Gigantic St.
LEFT Excellante St.
RIGHT Airway Rd.
AHEAD regular route