
Ever heard the phrase work smarter, not harder? It applies to your transit commute, too. There are a lot of ways we’re working to make taking transit easier. From improving and adding payment options on PRONTO, to more ways to see when the next bus or Trolley is coming on-the-go – check out some of the tools available now, and coming soon, to learn how MTS is making transit smarter for a better transit trip.  

Easy Tap and Pay

No PRONTO card? No worries. No patience for a ticket vending machine? No problem. Starting in summer 2024, riders will be able to tap credit cards right on the pass validator before boarding and for all your transfers during a 2-hour window. More information to come on this improvement.

PRONTO Tap and Pay

Discount Fares Now Available Online

Now you can apply for a discounted fare at your fingertips. To verify your eligibility as a senior, youth, disabled or Medicare Recipient, you can apply directly through our online application at But if you’d rather get your discounted fare in person, you can visit the Transit Store Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm.

PRONTO Online Application

Sweet New Screens: On-Board Digital Monitors

Selfishly, we’re hoping these 24 new digital monitors onboard our Trolleys make it easier to grab your attention to remind you of important news and travel tips. Getting installed in late 2024, these monitors will give you the transit info you need most, instantly: like showing the next three arrival stops (including available transfers), upcoming or active service delays, and more.

On-Board Digital Monitors

More Sweet New Screens: Stop/Station Real-Time Information

The truth is nobody likes waiting for transit. Especially when it’s a guessing game of when the bus or Trolley will arrive. Throughout 2024, and into the early part of 2025, we’ll be expanding and improving our real-time information at all Trolley stations.

The Orange Line will be getting all new next arrival monitors that help keep riders better informed on our info and events. Plus, thanks to a bunch of nerdy-techy updates happening on Trolley vehicles and in our rail yard, real-time estimates should be a lot more reliable.

New VMS Signs

Keeping You Informed in a Big Way

A new addition to the Gaslamp Quarter Trolley Station is a large digital information board, which finished construction in April 2024. The board will host important wayfinding and transit information, as well as provide unique advertising and promotion opportunities. There will also be a cool touchscreen monitor at eye-level for riders to access trip planning information.

Gaslamp Station Billboard

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