MTS Board of Directors seeks public comment
before deciding on proposed route changes.
San Diego, CA – The Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) Board of Directors will hold a public hearing Thursday, January 16, 9 a.m., for community members to comment on proposed route changes that are planned in conjunction with the launch of new Rapid service in mid-2014. The hearing will take place at MTS headquarters, 1255 Imperial Avenue, in the 10th floor board room.
“The services that MTS provides are for the benefit of the public, so it’s vital that we hear from the community,” says Paul Jablonski, chief executive officer for MTS. “MTS has provided many opportunities for public input and our plans have been revised as a result. This board meeting represents the final opportunity for the public to give our board members input on the proposed changes.”
The new Rapid routes will provide a faster commute for riders in the mid-city area and along the I-15 corridor. Rapid services will provide passengers with higher frequency and later hours, expanding their commute opportunities. Rapid also provides new bus shelters and transit stations with next arrival signs, new low-floor articulated buses, and faster trips with priority at traffic signals.
“Rapid is a new level of service for MTS that will provide our riders with an enhanced transit experience, getting them to their destination in a timelier, more convenient and comfortable manner,” adds Jablonski.
Rapid services are made possible by TransNet II, a half-cent sales tax for freeway, highway and public transportation projects. They are projects of SANDAG.
To complement the new Rapid service and improve MTS services, other routes are proposed to be modified, added, or discontinued. Complete details on these proposed changes can be found on the MTS website,
Community members wishing to provide feedback may also do so via the telephone voicemail hotline, 619-595-4912, by sending an email to, or U.S. mail addressed to MTS Public Hearing Comments, 1255 Imperial Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. All comments must be received no later than Wednesday, January 15, 2014.
MTS operates more than 90 bus routes and three Trolley lines on 53 miles of double-tracked railway. Every day more than 275,000 passenger trips are taken on MTS services. For more information on how you can use public transportation and save money, go to
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