In the just released Transit Savings Report, San Diegans who ride public transportation instead of driving could save on average $9,858 annually based on the August 7, 2009 national average gas price and the national unreserved monthly parking rate.
The Transit Savings Report, released monthly by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), calculates the average annual savings for public transit users. The report examines how an individual in a two-person household can save money by taking public transportation and living with one less car.
According to the report, on average, transit riders across the United States can save $764 per month. The savings amount is based on the cost of the national averages for parking and driving, as well as the August 7 national average gas price of $2.628 per gallon for self-serve regular gasoline as reported by AAA, a slight increase from last month’s price. The national average for a monthly unreserved parking space in a downtown business district is $154.23. Over the course of a year, parking costs for a vehicle can amount to an average of $1,850.
San Diego is in the top ten US cities with the highest transit ridership and commuting costs. The chart below shows the cities’ ranking order which compares a commuter’s monthly and annual savings when taking transit over driving.
Top Ten Cities – Transit Savings Report

*Gasoline prices as reported by AAA on 8/7/09.
How the Results Were Calculated
APTA calculates the average cost of taking public transit by determining the average monthly transit pass of local public transit agencies across the country, then comparing the average monthly transit fare to the average cost of driving. The cost of driving is calculated using the 2009 AAA average cost of driving formula which takes into account variable and fixed costs.
The variable costs for driving include the cost of gas, maintenance and tires. The fixed costs include insurance, license registration, depreciation and finance charges. The comparison also uses the average mileage of a mid-size auto at 23.4 miles per gallon and the price for self-serve regular unleaded gasoline as recorded by AAA on August 7 at $2.628 per gallon. The analysis also assumes that a person will drive an average of 15,000 miles per year. The savings assume a person in a two-person household lives with one less car. In determining the cost of parking, APTA uses the data from the 2009 Colliers International Parking Rate Study for monthly unreserved parking rates for the United States.
In addition to saving a significant amount of money, taking public transportation provides other benefits as well. Public transit offers a travel option that has an immediate, positive impact in reducing an individual’s overall carbon footprint while helping reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.
In San Diego, the cost of a regional monthly pass is $72 for the Trolley and most MTS bus routes, and $100 to add the Premium Express bus routes. A one-day pass is just $5 for the Trolley and most bus routes, and $14 to add the Premium Express bus routes. To find out more about routes and fares or to calculate your individual savings with or without car ownership, go to