Trolley and Bus Schedule – Martin Luther King Jr. Day

San Diego – The Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) will operate on a regular weekday service schedule for all buses and the Trolley on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, January 15.

Customer support functions including The Transit Store, Compass Service Center, and Customer Service will be closed. The MTS Information & Trip Planning will be open for modified hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MTS Administrative offices will be closed.

MTS operates 95 bus routes and three Trolley lines on 53 miles of double-tracked railway. Every weekday 300,000 passenger trips are taken on MTS bus and Trolley services in 10 cities and unincorporated areas of the county. In FY 2017, MTS served more than 88 million riders.  For more information on how you can use public transportation and save money, go to   


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