
2025 FHVA Fee Schedule PDF

    Fee Amount
1 Annual Regulatory Fee per Vehicle
(If not paid or post-marked by close of business, Monday, March 3, 2025, the permit(s) is not renewed).
1.1 Non-Emergency Medical / Charter $455
1.2 Taxicab / Jitney / Low-Speed Vehicle / Sightseeing $360
1.2.1 Annual Regulatory Fee may be waived for Taxicab Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) permit(s) upon approval and in accordance with Taxicab WAV Policy – Fee Waiver Guidelines  
1.3 Permit Renewal Late Fee (if missed the Deadline, the Annual $ 100 Regulatory Fee and Permit Renewal Late Fee will be accepted, so long as received by close of business on March 31, 2025) $100
2 Permit Application  
2.1 Permit application (New Company) $1,500
2.1.1 Plus each permit in excess of one $200
2.1.2 Plus additional charge if applicant is a corporation $200
Prorated Regulatory Fee (Section 1.0; based on application approval date)
2.1.4 Fees described in Section 2.1 may be waived for Taxicab WAV permit(s) upon approval and in accordance with Taxicab WAV Policy – Fee Waiver Guidelines  
2.2 Permit application (Transfer to a New or Existing Company) $875
2.2.1 Plus each permit in excess of one $200
2.2.2 Plus additional charge if applicant is a corporation $200
Annual Regulatory Fee (Section 1.0; paid in full upon filing of transfer application)
2.2.4 Fees described in Section 2.2 may be waived for Taxicab WAV permit(s) upon approval and in accordance with Taxicab WAV Policy – Fee Waiver Guidelines  
2.3 Permit application (Existing Company / Not Transferring)  
2.3.1 Adding new permitted vehicle to existing company $200
Prorated Regulatory Fee (Section 1.0; based on application approval date)
2.3.3 Fees described in Section 2.3 may be waived for Taxicab WAV permit(s) upon approval and in accordance with Taxicab WAV Policy – Fee Waiver Guidelines  
3 Driver Training Class  
3.1 Class fee $30
4 Operational Requests  
4.1 Jitney route change or additional route request $250
4.2 Taxicab stand request or jitney zone, if installed


4.3 Fictitious name change, Corp./LLC name change (same officers)
Plus per-vehicle fee


4.4 Dispatch Service change
Plus per-vehicle fee
4.5 Rate of fare filing per company (other than taxicabs)
Plus per-vehicle fee
Replacement vehicle (more than one permit per year)
4.7 Add corporation officer (each) $100
4.8 Addition, deletion, or change of stockholder (each) $100
5 Vehicle Inspection (Non-Mechanical Items)  
5.1 As a result of failing a scheduled inspection $50
5.2 Reschedule inspection appointment with less than 24-hour notice $50
5.3 Failure to appear for inspection appointment $50
5.4 Supplemental scheduled inspection (Out of Service) $50
5.5 Re-inspection pursuant to a 72-hour notice $25
5.6 Failure to produce mechanical inspection by due date $100
5.7 MTS Regulated Vehicle reflective decals $10
6 Dispatch Services  
6.1 Initial review of new dispatch service organization $150
6.2 Name change $50
7 Medallion and Permit Reassignment (same permit holder)  
Permit Type Reassignment under same Permit Holder (per vehicle)

Annual Regulatory Fee (Section 1.0; paid upon filing of permit reassignment application) *See Section 4.6 for replacing vehicles*



  • The 2025 regulatory fee is due for each permit held as of January 1, 2025, irrespective of whether permit is later transferred, abandoned, or revoked. The permit is considered not renewed if fee is not paid or post-marked by close of business on March 3, 2025, or by March 31, 2025 if no Permit Renewal Late Fee is received.
  • For new permits issued after January 1, 2025, prorated regulatory fee is due when permit is issued.
  • Other fees (i.e. non-regulatory fee) are due when the request is made.
  • A $35 “Returned Payment Fee” applies when a payment is submitted with a personal check but there is insufficient funds to cover the payment amount
  • No refunds will be issued.


  • Fees have been calculated to recover MTS's expenses for the administration and enforcement of for-hire vehicle requirements and processing of permit applications.